Carsten's Personal Homepage
About this page
AI-Soft is my personal site in the world wide web, where I'm going to post my thoughts, views, and experiences of, about and with artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. Everything what you can read here is highly subjective and claims not to be right or complete. Especially the more views on philosophical questions are just my personal ones and are not necessarily right.
What I'm doing and (hopefully) are going to do here
At the moment I'm at the very beginning of the work on this page. So forgive me if there are allot of things which I plan to do, but few that I actually realised. I hope that sooner or later I fill this site was all the content I like, but I can promise nothing. It depends to much on my time and will...
The content is splitted in several parts. One part copes artificial intelligence in general. I introduce what artificial intelligence is, or what I understand it is. And hopefully I can overcome some of the misunderstandings of many people that come to their mind, when they hear the word AI. I will also write about learning in general and learning of computer. This is what i found one of the most interesting fields in artificial intelligence.
I will also write about robotics, since this was the original reason why I became interested in artificial intelligence and because I had the chance to work with robots allot during my studies at university.
Since this is my personal page I also reserve a part of this website for my personal stuff, like my curriculum vitae, photos, hobbies, and so on.